A Journal of Empowerment
This journal is created with the purpose of providing architects with technical insight towards preparing better quality construction documentation. Higher, more definitive documentation will minimize change orders, reduce expenditures and time responding to contractor questions, and expedite construction. It will also provide an opportunity for younger or less-experienced practitioners to maximize their knowledge and efforts towards building quality projects.
We will explore different products and systems weekly highlighting specification sections and drawing locations where common mistakes, inaccuracies, and deficiencies have occurred.
Some of my experience can be found on LinkedIn and a complete resume provided, if necessary. I have over thirty years experience in construction documents, including specifications, construction administration, and construction management. My background includes time with several major international architectural firms as well as individual practice. I am experienced in design assist, design-build, design-bid-build, and fast-track project delivery methodologies.
I have performed constructability reviews on well over 100 projects for government agencies and provided in-house peer reviews for another twenty-plus.
Additionally, empowerment is mentioned in the sub-heading. Our greatest resource is ourselves and, sadly, we use only 5% of it. I am an ardent follower of Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, and many other teachers of self-improvement. We all need to continually grow for our fullest lives possible and to benefit our family, friends, and humanity.
Section 07 17 00 - Bentonite Waterproofing
If you do not know what bentonite is, please do a Google search. Simply, it is a clay material that, when in contact with water can expand to over fifteen times its size. In architecture it is used for foundation and below-grade waterproofing and for plaza decks. It is good stuff that can be installed on the foundation wall or blind-sided onto the shoring and, thus waterproofing the wall. It can also be easily repaired through injection of bentonite granules into the location where any leak might appear. I have used bentonite on several projects - one where the foundation was cut into a rock strata where water flowed on top of the strata in the rainy season. In essence, the foundation was a concrete boat in water.
Several manufacturers produce bentonite for the building industry. Details are for three without prejudice to one or the other. Selection of specific manufacturers is yours based on locality, costs, or any unique features associated with your project. We have reproduced details from three manufacturers for our discussion. All are of the same detail and all manufacturers provide details for most waterproofing situations.
What do i look for when reviewing drawings and specifications.
1. For all waterproofing situations, details MUST match those of the selected manufacturer and MUST be shown on your drawings. If several manufacturers are specified and details vary, draw those of the manufacturer with the most stringent requirements. This may be extra work however, it will minimize liability and avoid claims during construction.
2. If your conditions vary from manufacturers standard details in the slightest, contact your local representative and have them review your drawings and make recommendations. I strongly suggest you invite them to your office to review all of your details.
3. The first and second detail is slightly different from the third . The first detail from CETCO also indicates what may be a waterstop at vertical and joints. The second by Tegraseal and third by Tremco are very similar. Note differences.
3. Representative details below are for non-hydrostatic conditions. Hydrostatic details are different and more extensive. You MUST CHECK your geotechnical report or contact your geotechnical engineer to determine the appropriate details. Be aware, as I was, that hydrostatic conditions may not always occur or be seasonal. When reviewing construction documents, I check soils reports to ensure all requirements are adequately represented in the construction documents.
4. If you provide specifications that list several manufacturers ensure your specifications include specific requirements of all specified manufacturers. If you do not, you may not get it without delay, back and forth questions and RFIs, and change orders. You get what you specify and show on your drawings.