Saturday, December 8, 2012

Building Better Architecture - Why This Blog?

Having a blog allows me to go on about anything of interest. My interest is architecture and I love it dearly. Context is required in my career. I am well-qualified in every technical aspect of construction and can immediately assist any firm in producing high quality construction documents and support construction administration efforts. There are regrets about where I am in my career and life and new strong efforts have begun to turn it toward where I need it to be headed. This blog is part of that effort.

My biggest mistake in life was not empowering myself when younger. My mother pushed Norman Vincent Peale s, The Power of Positive Thinking, and other similar books on me, went through them briefly to satisfy her, and went on to my love at the time - history. Big mistake! There was so much I could have used later in life. It was as if my mother knew their value for me in the future but, owing to her humble beginnings and life, could not say, "Look at what this has done for me." And, I would never had listened.

Great works exist outside of religion that provide almost immediate empowerment. I am not irreligious however, many have developed an aversion or never learned the power of faith. One does not need religion to develop oneself. It does, however, help.

My personal development and empowerment is recent. It began in earnest last year when I unearthed a CD of lectures by Les Brown my wife and I purchased a few years earlier at a USANA convention where he was one of the highlighted speakers. Deciding to listen to it - I was bored - it provided immediate encouragement and energy for me to take charge of my life. From that moment forward, a new beginning.

There are numerous teachers from who we can learn and develop ourselves. a good site is MASTER TEACHERS. You should also investigate Napoleon Hills classic work Think and Grow Rich, and you will, in many more ways than one.

I am hooked on self-empowerment and snap up whatever I find at local used book shops. Recent additions include The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason and The Magic of Thinking Big  by David J./Schwartz. It is nice to have a long queue of books waiting to be read with anticipation.

So far, there has been no disappointment and with each book there is more to be learned of myself and what/how I need to change and redevelop.

My commute each way is forty miles and approximately one hour. There are great resources available on YouTube that I download and place on CD. Most I need to listen to three or four times to scratch the surface. Each day they provide the positive encouragement for me to hit the ground running.

Our immediate goal is to develop wealth and move on from a day job. It is a good job! Pays well! With daily  challenges and opportunities. Is it what I want to do in the future? Heck no! Do I want to work for a salary or profit? The answer is easy.

Recently I became a distributor of Organo Gold, coffee or tea infused with reishi, a supplement used in Oriental medicine for several thousand years. Reishi has anti-bacterial and anti-viral qualities and helps make HEALTHY COFFEE. Please visit my site and let me know if you are interested in trying some. It is also a great ground floor business opportunity. Please look into this.

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